Chet Fery grew up on the East Side of Buffalo, in the Polish/German neighborhood referred to as Kaisertown. He is a product of Catholic education and worked as a teacher for 33 years.
Now retired from teaching, he lives with this family in Brockport. Yet, he continues to change people's lives, not with his skills as an educator, but with those of a baker.
"My story began about 10 years ago when I was in pursuit of the perfect pizza," Fery recalls. "My family soon tired of eating pizza four times a week and encouraged me to switch to bread making. I was then making eight to 12 loaves of bread per week and needed a 'taste panel'. At the time, my work colleagues filled the bill. It was then that I realized the power of sharing gifts, affirming the work of others, giving thanks and just creating a positive experience around a simple loaf of bread."
Fery has given away over 10,000 loaves to family, friends, colleagues and strangers. With a show titled "Our Daily Bread," it was only a matter of time before he found his way on set with host Father Paul D. Seil.
So tune in on Saturday, Aug. 9, at 5:30 a.m. and noon to WKBW-TV Ch. 7, to hear more of Chet's story. And remember to check the website for the recipe. I am positive that once you make this delicious bread, you are going to want to experience the power of sharing a loaf yourself. "Our Daily Bread" also has a Tumblr page.