Catching up on all the news from the weekend? We've rounded up a couple of interesting Catholic stories and columns for you.
With Archbishop Oscar Romero set to be beatified May 23, Catholic News Service reports on a group of nuns who have cared for his relics for 35 years:
"Now that the pope has recognized his martyrdom, everyone is interested in Romero, including those who disagreed with his message. We as the moral owners of these relics fear that they will be taken away from us and relocated to another place where they would not be treated with respect," (Sister Maria Julia Garcia) said.
Over at Busted Halo, Ann Naffziger writes how you can share your faith with others:
Love God and your neighbor as yourself. Strive to speak and act with compassion to others. Practice justice and generosity in how you spend your money and your time, being especially attentive to the outcast and those normally invisible to much of society. Put gospel values ahead of secular values of commercialism, over-consumption, and an idolatry of the body. Cultivate quiet time for prayer and simply "being" instead of always "doing." (John's gospel is emphatic about the need to "be," "abide," and "rest" in Jesus.) Cultivate a community around you that will support you and challenge you in living out this faith. Like Pope Francis, strive to live as a person of hope and joy in a world that is often rife with darkness and despair.
On the To Go Forth blog, Ralph McCloud examines the reasons behind the recent riots in Baltimore and Ferguson.
It would be unwise to assume that the problems are only one dimensional, that it is only racism, or only classism, or only family structure, or only urban, rural or suburban. The issues are complex and require a complex and diverse response. No response only fuels more smoldering embers.