If you have felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to grow in your personal spiritual capacity, I'd like to invite you to consider a very unique opportunity known as the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola or the Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life.
This retreat began through the ministry of the Jesuits of St. Michael Church in Buffalo in the late 1980s. It has flourished ever since with hundreds of people making the retreat.
My husband, Deacon Tom Schultz, and I made the initial retreat and can honestly share that not only was it life-giving, but life-changing - all to the good. One of the key aspects of the retreat is ultimately to gain the interior awareness of "Finding God In All Things." Although the retreat ended, we have found it has continued to form and inform our spiritual life both individually and as a couple.
The hallmark of the Spiritual Exercises is being able to "Find God in All Things." Pope Francis has truly graced the world with his ability to do that and through his continuous example to inspire and transform us. Yearly, he sets aside time to get away for a week of retreat. While many cannot do that, we found the time to make this unique retreat here in the Diocese of Buffalo.
Others can too!
We were open to discovering what God wished and desired for us. We found ourselves understanding what Ignatius wrote later in his life, "God taught me like a schoolboy."
We found the same thing. Because of the pace of the retreat, the gentle guidance of those who directed us, dedication to prayer and the group experience of being with like-minded companions on the journey, we were taught, we learned, and we continue to grow as God desires. All is possible with God.
For retreat information and application contact Gini Schultz at 837-6020 or Joseph Ritzert at 627-5530.