HAMBURG — A group of 13 physical education teachers from Diocese of Buffalo schools learned how to pump up their P.E. programs in a special physical education conference, held last month at SS. Peter and Paul School, Hamburg, and sponsored by Catholic Schools Athletic Department. This fast-paced session allowed many physical education favorites from upper- and lower-grade levels to be shared with the diocesan faculty.
The all-day teachers' conference, hosted by Scott Williams, a nationally-known expert in physical education and award-winning teacher, included agility drills, dances, apps, management techniques, authentic assessments, equipment, pop culture activities and more in a whirlwind workshop. In addition, teachers learned simple ways to integrate academic content without sacrificing fun.
Elliot Schwebel of BSN Sports, a national vendor from whom the diocese purchases equipment for its sporting events, had coordinated with Williams for him to come to Buffalo. Williams has been teaching elementary physical education at Meriwether Lewis School in Virginia since 2004. He also taught summer high school physical education for five years.
Williams was a winner of the 2011 Golden Apple Award at his school, the 2013 Virginia AHPERD Elementary PE Teacher of the Year, and the 2015-16 Virginia AHPERD and SHAPE Southern District Dance Teacher of the Year. He is also a featured presenter and speaker at physical education conferences across the nation and has presented in 20 states. Williams is the founder/owner of Camp4Real, a summer camp that focuses on fun physical activity, character building and helping those who are interested in eating healthy foods that are free of artificial ingredients.