It was a typical November day, perhaps overcast with a chill in the air. And like so many other mornings when I arrive to St. Amelia Parish in Tonawanda, I opened my email and checked my messages.
I questioned one email and then realized it was just another message from the Diocese of Buffalo. It was entitled, "Consider This." Despite the information overload we encounter daily and out of curiosity, I opened it and thought it was very interesting. I continued. It was the first of many weekly messages I received from Bishop Richard J. Malone for the last two and a half years.
The "Consider This" videos are usually no longer than three minutes long and meant to be inspirational and encouraging. The topics range from hot button issues like "Religious Freedom" or "Science & Pro-Life," to more pensive subjects, like "Thank a Priest" or "The Works of Mercy."
Admittedly, I first would view these videos strictly for my own spiritual edification and respond to Daybreak TV Productions, whether I liked them or not. I still offer my two cents periodically, but I soon realized these videos would be better suited if they were shared with my friends as an attachment or as a posting on our parish Facebook page.
I think it's great that our bishop of Buffalo is reaching out to us in a simple and effective way in today's electronic age. Those who may not have already checked these videos out, I strongly encourage you to do so. I simply ask you to consider this as an invitation to view these positive messages for yourself.
All of Bishop Richard J. Malone's weekly messages can be found on the diocese's Daybreak TV Productions YouTube channel at and website at "Consider This" is also posted each Friday on the diocesan and Western New York Catholic newspaper websites.
J. Brian Ruh is the pastoral associate at St. Amelia Parish in Tonawanda.