The early Christians in England had a celebration for mothers on the fourth Sunday of Lent to honor the mother of Christ. It later included the "Mother Church" and on this day people were expected to return to the mother church from which they would get their strength from the spiritual power which gave them life and protected them from harm. Later on, a religious order made the celebration open to include all mothers and named this occasion Mothering Sunday.
In the United States, this day came to be more for political reasons. Julia Ward Howe wanted an end to the Civil War and wanted the husbands to come back from war. In 1872, Julia Ward organized a day for mothers dedicated to peace. During that time she wrote the Mother's Day Proclamation and challenged the women of that time to "Arise, then, women of this day! Arise, all women who have hearts, whether our baptism is of water or of tears!"
In the year 1907, Anna M. Jarvis a schoolteacher in Philadelphia began a movement that set up national Mother's Day but was celebrated first in her church on May 10, 1908, and finally in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday in May as national holiday to honor mothers.
Today we can take this opportunity to thank God for the special gift that was given to us, mothers. Especially those mothers who just give us a glimpse of what unconditional love really is.
It's not easy being a mother today. Many mothers today have to work and sometimes have to work more than one job in order to have a roof over their families' heads. They work not because they want to have luxuries in their life, but because they need a warm place to live, health insurance, food, and a way to get back and forth to work. Today, we see mothers who have to endure the pain of seeing their children hurt by acts of racism. Today, we see mothers who have endured the pain of losing a child because they have taken their life or they lost them to opioid crisis. Today, we see the mothers who had to flee with their children from the land of their birth to come to a place they hoped would be better only to see their children taken away from them. How do we reach out to these mothers?
Despite all this suffering we are called to bring the Good News. These mothers' need to hear the Good News that Jesus Christ rose so that we may have new life. Are we willing to share this with them? We are called to fill that emptiness and loneliness with Jesus Christ, our Savior.
As Christians we are called to evangelization to witness to your children and to other mothers the truths and values of your faith. Invite mothers to pray with their children. Invite them to pray together when they gather for meals. Teach them to spend time with their children in conversations. Share with other mothers what you believe as a Christian woman. Tell of your love of God and love for your neighbor. Most importantly invite her to make time to let her children know, how much she loves them.
Jesus shared with us his Mother Mary to be our mother here on earth. May the Virgin Mary help keep alive the flame of faith, love and harmony! May the Lord protect and guide all mothers everywhere so that they are able to show their children love as you Lord have loved us. God bless all the mothers. Happy Mother's Day!